Chapter 4/5

Drive Greater
Productivity & Value

Your customers love BlackLine Cash Application—even if they don't know it!

Let’s think for a moment about what customers hate.

They hate sending payments only to get a credit control call a few days later. They hate unapplied cash. They hate having their accounts blocked for breaching their limit when they have already sent a payment.

Here’s the problem with Accounts Receivable—you only notice it when something is going wrong. When everything is working as intended, then your customers don’t notice it.

The difficulty is that providing this level of customer service takes a lot of effort. Companies often find themselves developing huge AR departments to cope with the level of manual work needed, but sooner or later, buyers get frustrated and start to look for suppliers who can give them the service they need.

You can think of Intelligent Automation as an annoyance avoidance system. When you adopt IA for your accounts receivable department, your customers won’t even notice.

Which is how it should be.

Adding Value Across the Board

It’s easy to see why AR managers love BlackLine Cash Application.

Being able to concentrate on the small proportion of difficult-to-solve cases and have the vast majority of AR tasks carried out automatically, simply makes life much more enjoyable.

But BlackLine Cash Application adds value across the board, from customers right through to the C-suite.

Customers love the certainty that their payments will be received and correctly applied to their account in record time. Sales people love the fact that they can take orders, secure in the knowledge that there won’t be a dispute about accounts limits. CFOs love the fact that they are collecting more cash, quicker and with less effort than ever before. And the board loves the fact that bad debt risk is significantly reduced, so they can sleep soundly with the knowledge that the AR process is being managed safely.
