Create a PO-Backed Invoice

Getting Started

When a BlackLine supplier is ready to invoice for goods or services ordered via a purchase order (PO), they must submit a PO-backed invoice in Coupa. There are two ways to create a PO-backed invoice:  

Note: You will need to be logged into Coupa to create the invoice. You can either use your previously created account or you can use a one-time password. For details on logging in, visit the Coupa Supplier Portal Help Center.

From a PO Notification Email (SAN)

When a PO is created, all vendors will receive a PO Notification Email (1). To simply view the PO, click Manage Order (2). If you are ready to create an invoice, click the Create Invoice (3) button.

Note: If you are not receiving the PO Notification Email, first check with your BlackLine Business Contact to make sure that a Purchase Order has in fact been issued (it is possible it is still going through internal approval).  If you would like to confirm or update which email address is on record, you can contact Blackline at to let us know the email where you would like POs sent.

From the Coupa Supply Portal (CSP)

If you’ve connected your CSP account to BlackLine, you can also find your POs in the Coupa Supplier Portal. To do so: 
4. Click Orders.
5. Ensure Orders is selected from sub navigation menu. 
6. Click Select Customer and choose BlackLine Systems Inc. from the drop down. 
7. You should now see your BlackLine POs in the Purchase Orders Table
8. Click the PO Number to view the PO. 
9. Click the Gold Coins Icon to create an invoice for this PO. 

Creating the Invoice

The first this to do is set the header information. To do this: 
10. Enter an Invoice #. This must be a unique number. 
11. Set an Invoice Date. Note that BlackLine does not accept future dated invoices. 
12. Confirm the currency you’d like for payment. 
13. Add a PDF version of the invoice under Attachments. PDFs are required. Please do not use the URL or Text options. 
14. Confirm the Supplier Tax ID 
15. Confirm the Invoice From Address. If you need to change this, you can click the Magnifying Glass icon to change it. 
16. Confirm the Remit-To Address. If you need to change this, you can click the Magnifying Glass icon to change it. 

NOTE: Changing the Invoice From Address and the Remi-To Address is out of scope for this tutorial. Please visit the Coupa Supplier Portal Help Center for additional assistance.

Check the Invoice’s Line Items

When creating an invoice, be sure to only include those line-items and quantities that were delivered. Click the Description (17), Qty (18) (if applicable), Unit of Measure (19) (if applicable) or Price (20) to edit them. 

Each line item included on the invoice must have the Supplier Start Date (21) set. For Service based line items, this date represents the date the service started. For physical goods, this is the date the item was received.

To Remove a line-item from the invoice, click the X Icon (22)

Enter Shipping & Handling Fees, Miscellaneous Charges, and Taxes

In the last section, you’ll set any applicable charges based on Shipping (23) and Handling (24) as well as any other Miscellaneous charges (25). You can add tax to each of these option by entering the Tax Rate as a Percentage (26) or as a Set Fee (27). If you do add a tax to any of these items, be sure to note what type of tax it is or a reason for the charge in the Tax Reference (28) text box. 

Finally, you can add any sales or excise Tax (29).

Review and Submit Your Invoice

When everything is entered, click the Calculate (30) button to view the final amount of the invoice. If you would like to get email updates related to this invoice, click the Email me status updates for invoices I create this way (31) check box. When everything looks good, click the Submit (32) button. If you are not ready to submit but wish to save your progress, you can click the Save as Draft (33) button. To discard any changes, click the Cancel (34) button. Lastly, to delete the invoice entirely, click the Delete (35) button. 


After clicking the Submit (32) button, Coupa will display a confirmation dialog. If you are not ready to submit the invoice, click Continue Editing (36). Otherwise, click the Send Invoice (37) button to send the invoice to BlackLine. 

You should now see the invoice in the Invoices List (38) in Coupa.