If you already have an existing account with the Coupa Supplier Portal, you can request to connect to BlackLine Systems, Inc.. To get started, first log into the Coupa Supplier Portal.
1. Enter the associated email address into the Email text box.
2. Click the Continue Button.
3. Enter your password in the Password field.
4. Click the Login Button.
Once logged in:
5. Click Setup from the navigation bar.
6. Click Connection Requests from the sub navigation bar.
7. Click the Search button.
8. Enter BlackLine Systems into the Customer Name text box
9. Click the Magnifying Glass.
10. Click Blackline Systems, Inc. from the Results.
11. Enter your Blackline Contact’s email address in the Customer Contact text box.
12. If the reCAPTCHA appears, follow its instructions to verify you are a human.
13. Click the Conformation Checkbox to confirm you are actively doing business with BlackLine.
14. Click the Request button.
If you completed all of the steps correctly, you will see BlackLine Systems, Inc. with a pending status (15) on the Connection Requests screen. Your Blackline Contact, as well as Blackline AP will receive an email, and after verifying you are in fact doing business with BlackLine, they will accept your connection request